
An overview of my projects, all source codes are available on my Github. Assets and descriptions made with assistance from DALL·E and ChatGPT.

Natural Language Processing
Bias Mitigation in LLMs
Evaluating scalability of bias mitigation techniques on large language models
Reinforcement Learning
News Recommendation
Reinforcement learning for a personalized real-time scraped news system
Computer Vision
PilotNet Implementation
Deep neural network for a lane-following system predicting the steering angle
Machine Learning
Solar Panel Promotion
Machine Learning model training to predict and promote solar production
Machine Learning
Activity Classification
Multivariate human activity classification from time-series sensor data
Chess Engine
Minimax algorithm with performance improvements
Distributed Machine Learning
Pyspark Random Forest
Comparison of Pyspark's Random Forest model with other models
Generative AI
Conditional Art GAN
Experiments with GANs and Conditional GANs to create artworks from specific artistic currents
Distributed Machine Learning
PySpark Classification
Project demonstrating the need to distribute tasks and data in Big Data
Love Letter AI
Negamax algorithm playing the Love Letter card game
Classical AI
Smart Agent
Development of a smart vacuum able to clean up a mansion and pick up jewels
Professional Experience
ERP Add-On & Misc
Projects done during my 6-month internship at Luxembourg Online SA
Web Development
Website for UTBM
Development of a website to centralize UTBM tools
Web Development
UI Re-design
Remodeling the UI of UTBM's resources website "Moodle"